Celebrating the life and Legacy of General Aronda Nyakairima…

By: Alèx Bob Rugonde

Tribute to a States man, well a few days ago, the Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) successfully organised, the Kampala Defence and Security Expo 2024 which aimed at remembering, recognising and celebrating the life and service of Late Gen̈ Aronda Nyakairima, themed: remembering Hon Gen Aronda Nyakairrima: A Paragon of Revolutionary sacrifice, Pan-Africanism, Patriotism, Courage and Accomplished Freedom Fighter.

From the exhibitions of security apparatus to public lectures and key nobĺe speakers from different walks of life, including security experts, religious leaders, family and Many others, you would easily tell that indeed Gèn Aronda Nyakairima was indeed à statesman.

Starting out his Childhood days from his village of Nyakiju, attending Katojo Primary school which is approximately 6Ķm away from his home and would walk every day to School and back home, then progŕessing on to Lubiri Secondary school, Kitgum High School for secondary and high school education.

He carried great determination and was full of resilience even when went ahead to join the army and serve in different capacities/deployments as a career soldier and civil servant as a minister.

Nowonder, the current Chief of Defence Forces (CDF) Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba, said, (I quote) under Gen Aronda Nyakairima’s leadership, the UPDF managed to defeat insurgenciès in the country. Even when many commanders contributed alot of work in that direction, but it wàs under Gen Aronda that UPDF finally put an end to insurgenciès especially in Northern Uganda. So the defeat of LRÀ can be attributed directly to Gen Aronda, He helped the army alot!

To me, I regarded him as on̈e of the big straight TREE ̈in the forest because he was straight at family level, work, in tĥè community and at international level.
He was the in̈spring personality that every one would wish to associate with.
We still miss his love and hugs that he would extend to all of us as a family.

I extend my sìn̈cere appreciations to the CDF‐ Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba for organising a succeful memorial service for Gen Aronda Nyakairima and thank Madam Lindah Aronda for keeping in the footsteps of General Aronda.

We shall always cherish your legacy, R.I.P General Aronda Nyakairima 🫡

Alex Bob Rugonde

Member of Patriotic League of Uganda (PLU).

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